A Dance of Hope
The pandemic has led to distressing and uncertain times wherein everyone is locked up in their homes. The absence of normal routines or work often renders a person alone with their thoughts that may at times prove to be overwhelming – and leaves one drained. Likewise, others may be locked up as well but with either family members or roommates and, that too, builds up frustration.
During these times, people naturally seek to distract themselves with something that may return some of the previous normalcy to their lives. Often people turn towards their hobbies or take refuge in their work. They try to find some semblance of connection with the world and their past normal routines, whether it is in a capacity that is personal or professional. In this manner, even dancers turn to dancing which serves as a medium for them to release their pent up emotions, frustration and creativity through new choreographies – all the while also creating a sense of community in these times of isolation. One may be cut off but the world is together in this suffering caused by the pandemic.
The video under discussion portrays dancers from around the globe dancing in their homes with the hope that someday they might be able to perform for proper audiences. Many people whilst staying home might feel lost or lose touch with their personality but turning towards something such as dance reminds them of their roots and the different genres serve as a reminder that each person comes from a different place and is unique.




Moreover, an art form such as dance keeps people around the globe allied – it is like a universal language that can overcome culture and ethnical differences, bringing people together. The artist has the opportunity to enrich others’ lives by sharing or showcasing their art and henceforth providing the audience with an opportunity to connect with others. Through these times it is even more important for people to stay unified and to cooperate so as to make it through the prevailing crisis and that is where the compilation comes into play.

Not only do the dancers release their pent up emotions but it also serves as a source of entertainment and reassurance for their audience who are reminded that even in dark times good things do exist and one must not lose hope. Seeing the video may remind one of the fact that everyone is in this together and, hopefully, some day we might just be able to rise out of this pandemic that is a threat to our health as well as mental wellbeing.
Just like how dance helps people channel their creativity and stress into something more productive, everyone else too should turn towards something they’re truly passionate about in order to regain some normality – and this not only includes refining and presenting one’s own prowess over a skill but also learning new things.



